19 August 2023 @ 10:50 am

Turpinu šokēties par baby killer medmāsu, ko šonedēļ UK notiesāja. Viņa strādāja jaundzimušo intensīvās aprūpes nodaļā, un bez rezervācijām vismaz pāri divdesmit (no kuriem vismaz 7 nomira) jaundzimušajiem sašpricēja vēnās gaisu vai insulīnu vai ūdeni vai pienu, pāris dienas un nedēļas veciem zīdaiņiem.

Šķiet šokējoši vienojošais visādiem sērijveida slepkavām, par ko esmu dzirdējusi, vai vispār psihopātiskām slepkavām (as opposed to crimes of passion) ir tas, ka šie upuri viņu dzīvē ir teju pats nesvarīgākais - kā kaut kads stabs ko jāpabīda malā. Viņi upurus uztver kā kaut kādu nesvarīgu bezmazvai inanimate object type means to an end. And in their world and in their story other things are much more important. Killing is like this side thing they do, like a tedious compulsion that you jsut accept as a personal quirk, not paying much attention to what it means or how it affects other humans, or victims themselves. Victims are totally irrelevant. As their main occupying thought is their personality and their emotional experiences. Piemēram, tas ka LL pilnībā neizrādīja emocijas, kad tika apspriesti viņas upuri un viņu vecāki, bet kad runa gāja par viņas pašnāvības mēģinājumu, vai kad liecināja ārsts kurā viņa bija ieķērusies, tikai tad viņa izrādījā jebkādas emocijas. Un tas, ka viņa dažus bērnus nogalināja, lai pievērstu šī ārsta uzmanību.

Basically, some humans don't see humans as humans, or they do not experience any emotion when it comes to human life and what it is worth or what it means. They simply cannot differentiate between a human life/soul and some.. well - thing.

It is really striking, and it leaves you wondering whether it is a mental defiiciency of few or a scary feature of all humans. Given that many humans end up doing cold-hearted things being utterly blind to how it affects others.

I just do not know how to mentally deal with such darkness.
19 August 2023 @ 01:12 pm
I feel like nowadays problem is that in order not to offend insane people they are willing to sacrifice good people. It is like a warped, psychotic form of empathy, which really should not be called that. It is like empathy is used to hijack someones mind.

Or perhaps it is also just a big portion of indifference and ignorance.

Cilveeki ir achgaarni un truli un ljauni arii, karoche.