Pēdējā laikā vairāki raksti par trans mužikiem, kurus izbano no sieviešu sporta. This makes me so relieved, jo rodas apziņa, ka UK varbūt tomēr izturēs un saglabās savu common sense, konservatīvi veselīgo skatījumu uz lietām.. but also so embarassed about human species. Vai tiešām tiešām tiešām, lai cik garīgi neveseli, cilvēki var būt apjukuši par to, vai vīrieša ķermenis var maģiski kļūt par sievietes ķermeni? It's not like they have polyjuice potion for heaven's sakes. It sevišķi nevis paši garīgi apjukušie trans, bet pārējie, it kā garīgi veselīgie cilvēki!? Man ir tik ļoti žēl to nabaga meiteņu, kurām jāsacenšas ar mužikiem, just to indulge their warped fancy. Protams, ka vīriešiem nekad nebūs iespēja piedzīvot ekvivalentu šādam wrongdoing. Atkal visa huiņa sievietēm, papiņ.
And I simply cannot believe people / institutions that are going along with this. I know it is too stupid to be funny, bet tik pat labi es varu paziņot ka esmu trans chard and have instant advantage in biggest chard competition, and who will dare to belittle my authentic winner freshly chardine feelings.
Anyway, pēdējā laika ziņas makes me sort of happy and proud to live in you kay against all odds finally, jo part of the remaining old English way is just so delightfully no nonsense and logosy, that it is exhilirating.
And I simply cannot believe people / institutions that are going along with this. I know it is too stupid to be funny, bet tik pat labi es varu paziņot ka esmu trans chard and have instant advantage in biggest chard competition, and who will dare to belittle my authentic winner freshly chardine feelings.
Anyway, pēdējā laika ziņas makes me sort of happy and proud to live in you kay against all odds finally, jo part of the remaining old English way is just so delightfully no nonsense and logosy, that it is exhilirating.
16 atziņas | teikt