Man šķiet es beidzot varbūt esmu piešāvusies būt par passable mājsaimnieci. Pirmo reizi jau dažas nedēļas māja regulāri izskatās vairāk kārtīga nekā nekārtīga, izlietnē nekrājas trauki, drēbes ir salocītas, un laundry baskets empty(ish), pusdienas un vakariņas ir galdā bez fuss or frown. Man ir izveidojusies iemanīga rutīna, un nereti es sevi pieķeru apmulstam, jo nezinu ko vēl sakārtot, kamēr ir laiks, jo viss jau ir sakārtots!? Man ir laiks un enerģija uzlabot lietas, ne tikai tās drebelīgi vākt. I feel more relaxed and happy, and thus I have this vibe to carry and share and it is a magic to use to make everything and everyone better.
Protams, tā ir tikai likumsakarīga dzīves patiesība, but I wish someone had told me that you can get better at things the more you do them, and things - when done - get easier and more doable.
Basically, I just really feel like Tony Robbins would be proud with me. Un pats afektīgākais fakts ir tas, ka I don't feel overwhelmed and weighted down by whirlwind of tasks and tasky mom brain lists, bet gan I feel like a more efficient concise task ant, as if it is my nature to be able to proccess a grand volume of jobs in a short period of time, and it is satisfyingly borignly normal for me.
I even feel so a little bit smug and exhilirated, ka es manīgi skatos uz kosmosu un gaidu, kad kaut kas atkal nogāzīsies.. bet oh well, for a few fleeting moments - it is very fine and I am quietly glad.
Protams, tā ir tikai likumsakarīga dzīves patiesība, but I wish someone had told me that you can get better at things the more you do them, and things - when done - get easier and more doable.
Basically, I just really feel like Tony Robbins would be proud with me. Un pats afektīgākais fakts ir tas, ka I don't feel overwhelmed and weighted down by whirlwind of tasks and tasky mom brain lists, bet gan I feel like a more efficient concise task ant, as if it is my nature to be able to proccess a grand volume of jobs in a short period of time, and it is satisfyingly borignly normal for me.
I even feel so a little bit smug and exhilirated, ka es manīgi skatos uz kosmosu un gaidu, kad kaut kas atkal nogāzīsies.. bet oh well, for a few fleeting moments - it is very fine and I am quietly glad.
8 atziņas | teikt