18 January 2021 @ 09:06 am
Agrāk vai vēlāk dzīvē tu dzīvē saproti, ka vienīgais, kas ir manos spēkos ir priecāties par to, kas man ir dāvāts. Vai arī bieži/drīzāk, ka priecāšanās par to kas man ir, ir vienīgā iespēja saglabāt dvēseli. Intuitīvi tas ir mans uzdevums, jo dvēseles nosargāšana ir esības uzdevums.

Jo dzīve atņem un atņem, pakāpeniski un arvien ātrāk. Un vienā brīdī atņemts top tik daudz, ka tu apjūc un apstājies kā bailīgs trusītis. Un tieši tajos brīžos atnāk sapratne, kā pamudinājums, pieķerties tiem brīsniņiem, cilvēkiem, pieredzēm un mīļajām lietām, kas vēl ir palikušas. Tad arī rodas jauna atklāsme, ka nav gluži tā, ka mīļās lietas ir uz rokas pirkstiem saskaitāmas, ka viņu ir krietni daudz un pietiekami vēl ilgam laikam. Un tas ir neskaitot vēl nezināmās mīļās lietas, kas kā pēc labsirdīga fizikas likuma uzrodas par spīti saltajai laika upei atņēmējai un projām nesējai.

Tad tu attopies mazliet saldsērīgā un maigā omā, un sāc domāt par visām mīļajām lietām, kas tev kā stādiņi, kā mīlestības dārzs aug un krāšņojas pāri durvju slieksnim. Tu tur uzreiz gribi iet un priecāties, cik vien ilgi debesis atļaus. Un tad atkal, kā vislabsirdīgākais fizikas likums, dārzs atdzīvojas un kļūst milzīgs ar portāliem uz citām dimensijām arī.

Atkal: Neturēt prātā to, kas nav bijis un vairs nebūs, jo tas ir pretdabiski un padara tevi ļaunīgu, stress->skumjas->dusmas->ļaunums->huiņas->major voblas.

Arvien: Redzēt bezgalību, kas uzzied no vismazākajām puķītēm tev pie kājām.
18 January 2021 @ 09:41 pm

A virus that has killed millions of people, including 50,000 in Britain last spring, suddenly disappeared, and so the government approved a highly inaccurate diagnostic test to keep the panic going because Boris Johnson has always wanted the public to wear face masks or something. Very few people actually have SARS-CoV-2 and even according to the official figures only two per cent have it at the moment. As luck would have it, a hugely disproportionate number of them happen to be admitted to hospital and die from something else, thereby producing scary death counts which are corroborated by corrupt doctors.  

Another stroke of luck for the government is that last year happened to have the largest number of excess deaths since 1940. This could be due to lockdown deaths, whatever they are, or some other epidemic unrelated to the coronavirus. Have you noticed how few flu deaths there are this year? Bit suspicious, isn’t it? One possibility is that despite a drastic reduction in air travel and an unprecedented amount of social distancing, hand-washing, mask-wearing, and self-isolation, Britain is suffering from an exceptionally severe flu season, with flu deaths being wrongly classified as COVID-19 deaths by corrupt and/or incompetent doctors.  

"The claims made by Cummins, Yeadon, and other supposed authorities are demonstrably nonsensical and yet they are eagerly lapped up by an army of social media disciples who have adopted the yellow smiley face as a badge of their scepticism. The smiley symbol is supposed to represent optimism in the face of adversity, but instead it makes the whole movement look decidedly cultish, creepy, and faceless, like the children in John Wyndham’s Village of the Damned. This disconcerting impression is reinforced by their tendency to say exactly the same things over and over again. Misleading graphs and blatantly doctored images are circulated with abandon, spreading far beyond the hub of hardcore believers and planting doubt in the minds of normal people."