- 1st
- 04:33 pm: ..
- 2nd
- 06:00 pm: ..
- 3rd
- 03:45 pm: Kladzināšana - 6 atziņas
- 4th
- 03:51 pm: Typical end times - 1 atziņa
10:03 pm: Mest uz Dievu - 9 atziņas
- 5th
- 09:26 am: .. - 2 atziņas
- 6th
- 07:47 pm: Anyone who knows what Love is
- 7th
- 07:31 am: .. - 25 atziņas
04:37 pm: .. - 4 atziņas
- 8th
- 10:05 pm: Mīlestības princis
- 9th
- 06:33 pm: Es nesaprotu, kāpēc cilvēki viens otram saka lietas - 17 atziņas
- 11th
- 11:10 am: ..
10:23 pm: ..
- 12th
- 11:09 am: ..
06:21 pm: .. - 2 atziņas
- 13th
- 05:07 pm: Jebkura sekunde ir grotesks brīnums
- 15th
- 04:58 pm: ..
09:46 pm: ..
- 16th
- 07:45 pm: ..
- 17th
- 04:21 pm: Tagad es vēroju pasauli kā savas domas. - 2 atziņas
10:57 pm: .. - 1 atziņa
- 18th
- 10:13 pm: ..
- 19th
- 10:26 pm: Karma police
- 23rd
- 07:18 pm: .. - 2 atziņas
- 25th
- 05:27 pm: ..
- 26th
- 10:00 am: Leaving netherfield - 2 atziņas
04:11 pm: ..
- 27th
- 06:41 pm: .. - 10 atziņas
- 28th
- 03:49 pm: Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the data. - 2 atziņas
- 29th
- 10:22 pm: ..
- 30th
- 07:27 pm: ..
- 31st
- 07:27 pm: .. - 4 atziņas
- March 2018