- 1st
- 12:59 am:
- 2nd
- 09:07 pm:
09:34 pm:
- 5th
- 02:32 pm:
11:10 pm: - 2 teica
- 6th
- 12:06 am:
02:10 pm:
03:10 pm: - 4 teica
11:19 pm: - 2 teica
- 7th
- 05:35 pm:
- 8th
- 06:52 pm:
08:46 pm: - 1 teica
- 9th
- 01:07 am: thank You God for all of this. and now - lets make remaining year as good as this summer! - 2 teica
- 12th
- 03:45 pm:
08:29 pm:
11:03 pm:
- 13th
- 11:13 pm:
- 14th
- 04:18 pm:
- 15th
- 09:59 pm: when life gives you lemons, squeeze them in people's eyes. - 2 teica
- 19th
- 10:44 pm: Of course life's a bitch. If it was a slut, it would be easy.
11:08 pm:
- 20th
- 12:02 am:
- 26th
- 02:05 am:
- 27th
- 12:01 am:
- 28th
- 10:17 pm:
- 29th
- 09:39 pm:
- 30th
- 11:49 pm:
Everybody gets knocked down.. - September 2010
..just how are you gonna' get up?