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[Mar. 23rd, 2005|10:49 am]
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Kaa jau [info]optron izteicaas - dariit man nav ko, taapeec njemos ar visaadu muinju. Luuk veel viena - Gigi D'Agostino - Welcome to paradise. Ljoti, ljoti, ljoti jauka dziesma.

It's wonderful to be
Just living in a dream
Far from (the) reality
Illusion to be lived

Like freedom in your soul
Like freedom in your heart
Like freedom in your life
Welcome to paradise
A place where we belong
A place where we world live
No matter how we feel
Far from (the) reality
Illusion to be lived

Like freedom in your soul
Like freedom in your heart
Welcome to paradise
A place where we belong
No wonder when we meet
An angel
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