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Jul. 9th, 2003 | 12:15 pm
mood: Bipolar
music: Seal - Prayer for the Dying

Atgiežamies pie pirmsākumiem. Visādā nozīmē.
Bērnības mūzika. Uzdzen nostaļģinju, st.imentu...

I'm playing with fire,
And not getting burned....
I may not know what you're going through.
But time is the space,
Between me and you.
There is a light through that window.
Hold on say yes, while people say no
When nothing else matters.
I just don't know what's got into me.
It's just a prayer for the dying.
For the dying.

Ir vērtības, kas nekad nezudīs.

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Comments {4}


(no subject)

from: [info]icey
date: Jul. 9th, 2003 - 12:37 pm

khe khe beerniibas muzika :DD
tai buutu jaasaistaas ar piem. shaadu rindinju: "zem skolas kastanjaam......... " :PP :)

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Kruts Skuju

(no subject)

from: [info]kruts
date: Jul. 9th, 2003 - 12:41 pm

tevi dzimtaa skola sirdii nesam
mums ar tevi dziivee saistiits daudz
te kaa beerni izaugusjhi esam
te muus katru savaa celjaa dziive sauks

khekhe veel atceros bikji

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Kruts Skuju

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from: [info]kruts
date: Jul. 9th, 2003 - 12:42 pm

plaukst gaishi sapnkji par dziives ceriibaam


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(no subject)

from: [info]icey
date: Jul. 9th, 2003 - 01:10 pm

vo vo es tieshi sho rindinju veeleejos no tefis sadzirdeet :DDD

"te mees izaugaam un lieli kljuvaam
taapeec tevi dzimtaa skola neaizmirst" :DDDD 2. lapakaiz teikums visaa tajaa textaa ;D

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