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[Dec. 4th, 2009|08:48 am]
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My new prescription glasses make me look older and fatter than the new pair I got four years ago -- so I guess they work.

Be sure to read carefully! When my son got home after his first meeting wearing a kilt and speaking in brogue, I realized I had signed him up for the Boy Scots.

The Top Deleted Lines from the President's Afghanistan Speech

- "The bulk of the 30,000 new troops will be supermodels armed with golf clubs, who will infiltrate by homemade balloons, then blend in as party-crashers."
- "If we're out in 18 months, I win the bet and Karzai has to shave his beard."
- "You simply can't spell 'cock and bull' without 'Kabul'."
- "I thought I had a limerick to end this, but somebody told me Afghanistan and Pakistan don't really rhyme."
- "The Taliban's idea of B&B isn't Bed and Breakfast, it's Beard and Burqa."
- "For those of you upset about my speech pre-empting 'A Charlie Brown Christmas,' I have just six words for you: Wah wah, wah wah, wah wah."

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