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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Sep. 29th, 2009|01:27 pm

If I were a cannibal, I would never eat a club sandwich that would have me as a member.
Brad Simanek

Call me a hopeless romantic, but I believe in love at first sight. I even have a special word for it: "lust."

The Top Signs the Horror Movie Fad Is Over

- "Final Destination: Straight-to-DVD Bargain Bin"
- Rob Zombie has giving up on scaring you to death, will settle for boring you to tears.
- The price of popcorn is scary enough, who needs the movie?
- Once you've seen a 19-pound baby delivered on YouTube, there's just nothing left to shock you.
- A Mel Brooks Production of "Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Musical Nazi Corpses."
- It's difficult to hear the dialog over all the yawning teenage girls in the theaters.
- Viral advertising campaigns commonly include reviews from mommy bloggers.
- "I Need More Information to Speculate on What You Might Have Done Last Summer."

The Top Error Messages You Never Want to See

- "Unauthorized Wireless Intrusion Detected. And it's coming from INSIDE YOUR HOUSE!"
- "Warning! Wife is home!"
- "You are 158 miles from your destination. No satellites found. GPS shutting down."
- " has caused an error. A trouble report has been automatically sent to the IT department."
- "Whatever you do, don't turn around."
- "Anal Probe Not Found. Please replace properly and continue with installation of Operating System."
- "Contents of folder '/photos/playboy/missjanuary/hothothot' only partially sent to e-Mail Group [WorkAdmin]. Re-send?"
- "Useless Windows Error. Press any key to produce another."

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