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[Sep. 11th, 2009|10:15 am]
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Okay, let's be reasonable: If your date won't spend the evening sewing a Star Trek tunic for your cat, what the hell good is she?
James Knowles

I actually walked out of a bad movie the other night. But because I had rented it, that meant a night of sitting out in the front yard humming show tunes.
Duxall Inarow

The Top Differences Between the Military and the CIA

- In the Armed Forces, the food tastes like it was poisoned. In the CIA, it very well could be.
- The Armed Forces have better uniforms, but the Agency has sexier underwear.
- The military only tortures basic trainees.
- When the Armed Forces kick somebody's ass, they don't go through a bunch of pussy-footing gyrations trying to explain it away, or justify it, or call it something else.
- The Armed Forces use smokin' guns; the CIA uses smoke and mirrors.
- The Agency: Covert Ops. Military Police: Overt Cops.
- The military has spy planes. The CIA are just plain spies.
- The CIA's clothing sales store has a section for Victoria's Top Secret.
- There's sometimes a grain of truth in military war stories.
- The Agency has a higher tuxedo bill.
- Ever hear of the "CIA National Guard and Reserve"? Didn't think so.
- In general, in the CIA, information is king. And just for your information, in the military, the general is king.

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