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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Sep. 5th, 2009|11:46 am

Nothing makes a sports-loving dad prouder than hearing his son say he wants to grow up to "hit that ball" -- until you discover he's been non-stop watching "Cinderella."
Brad Simanek

It's true we're borrowing from future generations. But we're doing it to pay dead people, so really it kind of evens out.
The Covert Comic

The Top Worst Songs to Have Playing During Your First Time

- 30 Days in the Hole
- Ain't Too Proud to Beg
- Folsom Prison Blues
- I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)
- My Best Friend's Girl
- Not a Second Time
- She's Tight
- Smells Like Teen Spirit
- Burning Love
- She's Not There
- Little Willy
- Is That All There Is?
- Alone Again, Naturally
- I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
- Mama Told Me Not to Come

The Top Lines of Dialog From Bad Science-Fiction Movies

- "Hey, Spock, I've secretly replaced the dilithium crystals in the warp drive with new Folgers' Instant Crystals. Let's see if the captain notices."
- "Ensign, set a course for the constellation Labia Majora."
- "I am sick and tired of these m*****f***ing tribbles on this m*****f***ing starship!"
- "Must... insert... suppository."
- "Oh my God! Something horrid is trying to claw its way out of his stomach! I knew we shouldn't have eaten at Denny's!"
- "If you can fly through this trench, evade the gun turrets, then get your shot precisely into the exhaust vent, you'll destroy the Death Panel!"
- "All of the ship's Vistascreens are malfunctioning, Captain! There's just a blue screen with some foreign language on it!"
- "Here's looking at Uranus, kid."
- "Sir, I know how we can bolster our failing life-support systems! If we play this ancient DVD of Adam Sandler comedy routines backwards, logic dictates that it must blow life back *into* the room!"

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