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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Aug. 7th, 2009|08:50 am

You know what would be hysterically funny to see if you were really, really stoned? A bald man with a nipple on the top of his head.

Target prioritization for engaging the Scottish military:
1. Bagpipes
2. Bagpipe players
3. Bagpipe maintenance and logistical infrastructure
4. Remaining targets, if any
The Covert Comic

After setting the orphanage on fire, I stood back and watched the kids clawing and scrambling to get out the front door, pushing, shoving, even trampling one another. Children can be so cruel.
Chris MacEachen

The Top NEXT Next Big Things

- Twitter All-Nighter: Converts your sleep talk and snoring to tweets so no one misses a single minute of your oh-so-fascinating life.
- BallzOn: Apply directly to scrotum!
BallzOn! Apply directly to scrotum!
BallzOn! Apply directly to scrotum!
- Kar-apatow-ke: Makes classic films appealing to teenage boys by allowing them to update original dialogue with sex and genitalia references. Ilsa: "But what about coitus?" Rick: "We'll always have penis."
- Twatter: Enables Twitter users to automatically block all douchebags.
- Assbook: The social networking site for dogs.

The Top Celebrity Hairstyles

- The Tom Cruise: Short and bouncy
- The Shatner: No need for hairspray as it is sooooo full of itself
- The Britney: Bald and flashy
- The Paris Hilton: Blonde and stupid
- The Richard Simmons: Well, we know it wouldn't be straight
- The Michael Jackson: White with black roots

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