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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Jan. 28th, 2009|08:30 am

Uzmanību, pedofīli! vai kā? It kā no Budapeštas...

Mjāāā... Kā teica vienā labā filmā, "Never underestimate the power of denial"...

P.S. Esot parādījušies vēl šādi teksti:
He is not a homosexual, we have taught him from the bible and he has learned though our church that this is not in God's plan. I will not teach him about condoms, that is unacceptable, we have always taught him about abstinence and that is what God and his future wife expects from him.
I want to speak to our pastor about this but I am very afraid of what he would think we are teaching our son if he things we are allowing him to sneak a girl into his bedroom. That is clearly inappropriate and we are good parents, I am very afraid what he will think of us.

Var tikai piekrist tam, kurš piebilda I hope this person is a troll. SRSLY :))

Apģērbs sivēniem? :DD

Tualetes papīra lietošanas instrukcija, krieviski ;)

Labs savienojums ;)

Naftas Mikipele ;DD

Eeee? :D

Laba vieta liftam, jā :D

Putins, Lielbritānija, devalvācija, kaņepe... Autors laikam būs pats pārlasījies to brošūru :D

Lieliska nosaukuma izvēle! :DD


Kaut kas tur nav kārtībā :]

Lōģiski :D

Par sacīto un īstenību aka sveiciens visiem interneta lietotājiem! ;)

Bet tiešām līdzīgi :F
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