Khe-he - The Top 7 Signs Your Human Body Has Caught a Computer Virus [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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The Top 7 Signs Your Human Body Has Caught a Computer Virus [Apr. 19th, 2006|07:59 pm]
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7. All your I/O ports have been doing quite a bit more outputting than inputting.

6. You tell everybody you meet your name, bank account, PIN code and Social Security number.

5. The cure costs $59.99 and you have to pay for it each year.

4. Real virus: You have the sniffles and a scratchy throat.
Computer virus: You have the sniffles, a scratchy throat and a weird compulsion to do the Hamster Dance.

3. The symptoms go away if you remove your boots and put them on again.

2. The "specialist" your doctor refers you to is 15 years old and demands payment in Star Wars collectibles.

1. Not only do you have uncontrollable diarrhea, you also can't stop yourself from mailing it to everyone in your address book.

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