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[Oct. 28th, 2008|08:46 am]
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Mom always said, "Think before you speak, so you don't end up with your foot in your mouth." However, I'm thinking these new shoes I made out of bologna will show the flaw in *that* logic.
Joseph Moore

The Top Rejected Titles for Horror Movies

- The Thingie
- Canterbury Tales from the Crypt
- The Sixth Grade
- John Carpenter's "Cafeteria Lady"
- The Texas Chainsaw Governor
- Gorezilla
- I'm Not Absolutely Positive What You Did Last Summer, But I've Got a Pretty Good Idea, and When Your Father Comes Home We're All Going to Have a Little Talk
- Friday the 15th: Rent's Still Due
- Beheadin'-Shoulders: The Hair Itch Project
- Babe: Pig on a Grill
- Dial Y for Yanni
- The Snuggling
- Nightmare on Helms Street XI: Jesse's Revenge
- The Bride of BenStein
- You're the Anti-Christ, Charlie Brown!
- We Know How You Voted in November

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