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[Oct. 16th, 2008|11:20 am]
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The Top Signs Your Doctor Is Tired of Seeing You

- She conducts the entire examination over the intercom.
- "I think you should be depressed. If I were you I'd have offed myself months ago!"
- The room you always get sent to is labeled "Kevorkian Suite."
- He greets you with a handshake and, "Gee, I'm tired of seeing you!"
- "Here. Hold the paddles to your head and crotch. Stand in this bucket of water. I'll be right back."
- He emphatically refuses to allow you to remove your clothes under any circumstances.
- Your prescription for diazepam reads, "Take 20 tonight at bedtime with 16 oz. of whiskey, and don't call me in the morning."

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