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[Oct. 9th, 2008|12:33 pm]
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The Top Rejected Unit Mottos

- Military Intelligence: "We'll Bet Your Life On It!"
- Coast Guard: "We're like the Navy... only not so much."
- US Marines: "Kicking the sh*t out of dictators since the 19th century!"
- US Army K9 Corps: "Who'zhagoodogie? Who'zhagoodogie? Yes, he'zavewygoodogie!"
- United States Military Academy: "A $50,000 Education, Shoved Down Your Throat a Nickel at a Time."
- Submariners: "We go down for six months at a time!"
- USAF Hurricane Hunters: "This Blows."
- Quartermaster: "Always Three choices: Too Big, Too Small or Out of Stock!"
- Snipers: "We are Fiscally Responsible!"
- 82nd Airborne Division: "Good To The Last Drop!"

The Top Creative Ways to Say a Loved One Didn't Make It

- You may see your wife now, Mr. Walker... just remember that movement and breathing are things she is no longer capable of.
- This IS a teaching hospital, and your cousin just taught us that you shouldn't remove warts with the defibrillator.
- Before I update you on your husband's condition, Mrs. Atkinson, I want to say that with your figure and complexion you would look terrific in black.
- He's currently comparing his surgical scars with Dr. Kevorkian's patients.
- On the plus side, Sir, Anna Nicole Smith is single again, too.
- I don't need to renew your husband's Viagra prescription, because he'll be having no trouble getting stiff.
- How many of you here in the Waiting Room are married? You can put your hand down, Mr. Finkelstein.
- I have good news Mr. Brown: you are now 100% Mother-in-Law free!!

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