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[Sep. 25th, 2008|08:36 am]
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I think, deep down inside, little children *want* to be told the truth about Santa Claus. Why else would they stand in line for an hour just to sit on my lap?
Don Swain

The Top Favorite Redneck Movies

- Alabama Jones and the Last Beer Run
- S*O*U*R*M*A*S*H
- Thelma-Louise
- Back to the Future IV: I'm My Own Daddy!
- 9 1/2 Teeth
- Three to Tango -- But Two Have to Hold the Cow Steady So You Don't Get Knocked Off The Foot Stool
- > And the Band Played "Freebird"
- Three Brides for Seven Brothers
- Dog, Ma
- Honey, I Blew My Cousin!
- Three Men and Ned Beatty
- Austin Texas: The Uncle Who Shagged Me
- Being John Deere
- How Stella Got Her Tooth Back
- The Green Smile

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