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[Jul. 27th, 2008|12:14 pm]
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Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am: stuck in the cafeteria line at the Academy of Comedic Performing Arts with you.
The Covert Comic

As a Nike employee, I thought my total belief in the company slogan, "Just do it," would be a great excuse, but the company lawyer questioning my understanding of the corporate policy on sexual harassment didn't buy it.

There's no shame in a man's weeping; the bitter yet life-embracing tears of universal sorrow... especially when he's just walked gonads-first into a doorknob.
Lev L. Spiro

The Top Proposed Events for the 2008 Office Olympics

- 25-Meter Starbucks Dash
- 4x100 Butt-Xerox Relay
- Slippery Floor/High Heel Gymnastics
- Bureaucratic Red Tape Steeplechase
- Gossip Relay
- Six-Hour PowerPoint Presentation Stay-Awake Marathon
- 10,000-Meter Mid-Level Management Hurdles
- Windows Vista Installation Disk-Cuss
- Blame Toss
- Singles and Pairs Brown-Nosing
- "Accidental" Breast Stroke
- Synchronized Ass-Covering
- Freestyle Accounting
- Pornsite-to-Spreadsheet Alt-Tab Sprint
- Blackberry Synchronized Synching

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