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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Jun. 10th, 2008|01:33 pm

I was just hired at the CDC as their new STD Name Consultant, which means whenever a new STD is discovered, I get to name it. And now it's payback time to all of you girls who wouldn't date me in high school.

Don't hate me because I'm agoraphobic. Hate me because I haven't filled my gas tank since February.
Jenn McNanna

People label me as a narcissist because I go to the gym and tanning salon every day, but mark my words: They'll be jealous when we're all stranded on an isolated mountaintop and leathery-and-tough-meated Brad is viewed as the last one anyone would pick for eating.
Brad Simanek

The Top Signs Your Internet Connection Is Too Fast

- Google gives you results before you even start typing.
- Turner Movie Classics keeps asking to borrow your downloads.
- You just finished downloading Internet porn. All of it.
- Every video on YouTube video appears to have been done by the Chipmunks.
- The bill from your ISP includes a charge for "Flux Capacitor Usage".
- Porn finishes streaming before you do.
- Your firewire actually catches fire.

The Top Places Evicted Black Holes Go

- They move back to their parent's place.
- They crash at a buddy's place, but it never works out because the black hole drives their buddy's girlfriend crazy by sucking up everything in the cupboards.
- Wherever. They. Want.
- They hold cardboard signs at the Interstate offramp, "Will collapse your galaxy for food!"

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