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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Apr. 23rd, 2008|11:16 am

Despite it being decades away, I thought it might be fun to plan something special for my 100th birthday. But when the time comes, I imagine I'll probably just stay dead.
Steve Biddle

During long-ago times when pirates raided the high seas, I'd imagine only the kinkiest and most masochistic of prostitutes would be known as "hookers."
Brad Simanek

The Top Worst Biblical Movies Ever

- Snow White and the Seven Commandments
- There's Something About Virgin Mary
- When Harry Stoned Sally
- The Nutty Confessor
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galilee
- There Will Be Flood... and Boils... and Locusts... and Frogs...
- Xodus-Men
- Superstar Me
- Things to Do in Jerusalem When You're Dead
- Frankenstein, Who Married Bride of Frankenstein and Begot Son of Frankenstein, Who Married Dracula's Daughter and Begot Wolfman, Who in the Grace and Mercy of His Holy Woods, Didst Meet Abbot and Costello
- An Inconvenient Ruth
- Die Hard Because I'm Vengeful
- 9 1/2 Commandments
- I Know Who You Crucified Last Passover
- Bruce All Smitey
- Dude, Where's My Foreskin?
- Stop! Or My Dad Will Smite

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