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[Feb. 24th, 2006|05:44 pm]
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The Top Things That Can Shorten Your Life

I don't know about shortening your life, but hunting cockroaches with a hatchet while smashed will shorten your hand by a few fingers.

You hold your high-level business meetings in Italian restaurants.

Having kids.

Being president of Venezuela.

"I don't care what color bandannas they're wearing, I'm going to tell those hoodlums to stay away from my car."

You often say "Hey, guys! Watch this!"

"Do you have artistic talent? Sketch this founder of a major world religion!"

The Top Dick Cheney Huntin' Songs

Got to Get You Into My Sights

I Put a Shell in You

You've Shot a Friend

Huntin', Shootin', Drinkin'

Dude Looked Like a Birdie
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