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[Sep. 14th, 2007|10:26 am]
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The Top Signs You Probably Shouldn't Have Used WD-40 on That

- Now all your slacks have black crotch stains.
- It moves much, much better... but it's on fire now... and rubbing its eyes and howling.
- You probably actually do want a certain amount of friction on your brake pads.
- It doesn't complement the caramel taste very well.
- You've been working on this as quickly as possible between bouts of diarrhea, but you're 98% certain that this is *not* the elusive eleventh herb or spice.
- Dude, your kid's gerbil is SUPPOSED to squeak!
- Every time your daughter goes down the slide, she lands two blocks away.
- The eggs won't stay on your fork.

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