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[Aug. 30th, 2007|10:04 am]
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The Top Ways to Pass Time in the Doctor's Waiting Room

- Bring a pen, and draw lobotomy scars on the models in all the magazines.
- Scare the kiddies with a giant "Highlights Magazine" papier mâché hypodermic needle.
- Exchange barfing tips with the other anorexics.
- Practice your ventriloquism by making agonized moans seem to come from inside the office.
- "Actually, only one of these wounds is infected. Care to guess which one?"

The Top 8 Dumb Weapons of the Past, Present and Future

- Anna Nicole Smith --- a dumb bombshell if I've ever seen one.
- The first attempt at pinpoint bombing: hurling a guy *carrying* a stone from a catapult.
- The northern pike (a great fish but a lousy weapon).
- The atomic nerf bomb
- French knights
- Jell-O sword
- Panty shields
- The really, really, short sword
- Restroyers
- Nucular Weapons
- Fartillary

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