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[Jun. 6th, 2007|09:10 am]
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I know it's an inevitable milestone in the relationship, but it's still sad when they lose that new-girlfriend smell.
Richard Skora

Some days make you wonder if you've made bad choices in your life. Especially those days when the FBI shows up and digs in your back yard.
Bob Van Voris

The Top 14 Internet Movie Quotes

- "Download it, Sam. Download 'As Time Goes By.'"
- "Google 'open' and 'pod bay doors,' HAL."
- "I'm out of bandwidth? *You're* out of bandwidth! The whole stinking Internet is out of bandwidth!"
- "Of all the open Wi-Fi nodes, in all the towns, in all the world, she leeches off mine."
- "Redmond, we have a problem."
- "Here's looking at YouTube, kid."
- "Right click, Clyde."
- "We'll always have Paris Hilton's sex video."
- "You know how to whistle, don't you? Just put your computer speakers close together and they'll blow."
- "You want Bluetooth?! YOU CAN'T HANDLE BLUETOOTH!"
- "I know what you're thinking: Does he have 640 MB of RAM or only 512?"
- "You hafta buy Vista, baby."
- "<3 means never having to say :-("
- "I'll BRB."

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