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[Mar. 7th, 2007|10:43 am]
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Great Britain's Prince Harry, third in line to the throne, may be seeing combat. His regiment, the Blues and Royals, will be going to Iraq soon.

The Top Signs You're Fighting Alongside Royalty

- Despite the duct tape, his crown keeps slipping off his helmet during battle.

- Upon taking fire from insurgents: "We are NOT amused!"

- "Wouldn't it be more sporting if we just challenged them to a croquet match?"

- Your mounted regiment just won the Iraqi National Polo Championship.

- The shooting comes to a grinding halt every afternoon at 4:00 for tea.

- Your entire regiments MREs come with silver-plated plastic cutlery and Grey Poupon.

- "On my signal, Colonel Walmer, release the foxes!"

- His "foxhole" is a split-level, oak-paneled job that resembles the Waldorf, only with more restaurants and a better bar.

- General Needleman keeps opening the door of his Humvee for him.

- The guy they call "His Royal Highness, the Sniper of Wales" practices his craft by picking off paparazzi.

- "She looks smashing, just like my step-mum!"
"Sir, that's a horse."

- "I would love to patrol the perimeter. However, I am scheduled to dine with King Abdullah in Riyadh precisely at 6:00."

- You find yourself taking shelter behind your commander's ear.

- Before each sniper shot, he mutters, "I dub thee 'Sir Dead-o'!"

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