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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Politiski aktuāli ;) Dec. 21st, 2005|11:03 pm

The Top Little-Known Facts About Same-Sex Relationships

Most lesbians don't rent the U-Haul truck until AFTER a second successful date.

Can never remember who left the toilet seat up.

No lesbian couples actually spend an inordinate amount of time lounging around in Victoria's Secret lingerie, having pillow fights and secretly wishing you would join them for a sweaty threesome.

One person of each pair still spends too much time in the bathroom.

The relatives not only don't disown you, they show you off like some sort of liberal trophy.

No matter what the gender combination, married partners STILL don't understand each other.

Same-sex or opposite-sex relationships, it still leaves Michael Jackson as a single.

Despite its triteness, "You can wear the pants in my family" is actually an effective pickup line.

The bathroom situation is no easier -- imagine the problems keeping "His" and "His" towels straight.

With two men trying to control the TV, no program is ever watched for more than five seconds.
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