Khe-he - July 14th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 14th, 2008

[Jul. 14th, 2008|10:41 am]
Любовь в наше время, увы, стала злей:
Полюбишь козла - он к тому же и гей...

Как только начинаешь выходить в люди, со всех сторон раздаются крики: "Стой! Кто идет?"

Чтобы нормально поработать - нажмите сейчас крестик в правом верхнем углу. ;)

На чемпионате мира группа немецких биатлонистов завоевала Польшу

Если фортуна повернулась к тебе задом, поставь её раком - и засади ей так, чтобы в следующий раз она хорошо подумала, прежде чем так поступать!!! Но смотри, чтоб к твоему заду в это время не пристроился злой рок...
... tālāk ... )
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[Jul. 14th, 2008|12:22 pm]
If these walls could talk, I bet they'd say, "AGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" every time you hung pictures.
The Covert Comic

If I had a choice between a robot or one of those helper monkeys, I'd take the monkey, because if you lose your job and they shut off your power, you can't recharge the robot, but you can always eat the monkey.
Dan Johnson

Instead of the Happy Meal, McDonald's ought to make a Sleepy Meal. Then I might finally get these brats down for a nap.
Scott Charles

Mom always said, "I hate you! Your father wouldn't have left if it weren't for you! You were an accident!" I used to cry, but deep down I know that if it weren't for Mom's tough love, I never would've gotten the courage to shoot that fifth cop and make it all the way to Panama.
Jacqui Kennelly

The Top Similarities Between Hollywood and Ancient Rome

- Cheers tend to follow when the pious Christian gets torn apart.
- Everyone believes there are gods everywhere.... tālāk ... )

The Top Out-of-Office E-Mails We'd Like to See

- I'm at my desk right now, but Minesweeper is a timed game. I'll respond to you as soon as I set a new high score.
- I'm attending the funeral of my grandmother. Please do not make the effort to count and realize that this is the sixth time my grandmother has died in the past four years.... tālāk ... )
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