Khe-he - July 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 10th, 2008

[Jul. 10th, 2008|08:27 am]
Лозунг нашего государства: Если коррупцию не победить, то ее надо организовать и возглавить.

После всех этих преведов, кажется, что ковчег пишется как-то по-другому.

- Скажите, святой отец, а почему в католической церкви хор поет под клавесин, орган или фисгармонию, а у нас, православных - без аккомпанемента?
- Дело в том, сын мой, что настоящий талант не пропьешь. А вот клавесин- как не*уй делать!
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[Jul. 10th, 2008|03:26 pm]
My dad was thrilled when a Heisman Trophy winner skipped his senior year in college to turn pro and was drafted by Dad's favorite team. It's funny how different his reaction was when *I* dropped out of medical school before my final year to become a mime.
Ed B.

Good rule of thumb for gauging the success of a bachelor party: If the wedding is still on afterwards, it could have been better.
Scott E. Frank
... tālāk ... )

The Top Little Known Facts About Hospital Central Supply

- It's not really central at all; most of it is out back in Ernie's truck.
- Expired narcotics are "destroyed" at her place on Thursdays at 2200, by invite only.... tālāk ... )

The Top Marketing Slogans for a Fake Grandchild Doll

- Just like a real grandchild, but without the messy emotional ties.
- Guaranteed not to get pregnant when your real grandson plays "doctor" with it.... tālāk ... )

The Top Good Things About Summer School

- None of those "C" and "D" students around to make you feel stupid.
- After nine months of socializing, skateboarding, bong-smoking, pranking, sleeping, stealing, vandalizing and having unprotected sex in the janitor's closet, you're quite ready for a break!... tālāk ... )
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