Khe-he - September 15th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 15th, 2006

[Sep. 15th, 2006|07:57 am]
Ļoti atbilstoša ceļazīme... ;) ... tālāk ... )
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[Sep. 15th, 2006|08:59 am]
Учёными обнаружен ребёнок, воспитанный спаммерами. Он может какать одновременно в тысячи горшков.

- номер, который Вы вызываете, не отвечает...
- что, совсем??
- нет, бл*ть, первые две цифры ответили, а остальные молчат!!
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[Sep. 15th, 2006|03:35 pm]
Diez, pilotam izdevās tikt līdz kabīnei?...... tālāk ... )
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[Sep. 15th, 2006|04:51 pm]
The Top 8 Signs Your Roommate Can't Cook

- He goes through three cases of smoke alarm batteries per week.
- Thinks the four food groups are Fast, Fried, Frozen and Free.
- The microwave exploded the last time she tried to make instant coffee.
- Thinks you are a pervert after seeing all the "sex toys" in your kitchen drawer.
- Emeril's fridge: Basic tomato sauce, basic white butter sauce, pesto, herb butter.
Your fridge: Ketchup, margarine and something greenish with the beginnings of primitive intelligence.
- Last week, he burned a tray of ice cubes.
- A famous mystery writer just bought the rights to his meatloaf recipe to use as the murder weapon in his next book.
- Well, he's not *that* bad... the sauteed trigonometry book was tastier than you'd suspect.
- You have seen people burn popcorn, but never seen anyone set the bag on fire.
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