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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

Oct. 17th, 2006|04:29 pm

Korporācija "RAND" ir publicējusi grāmatu A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates, kas satur - pareizi, miljonu gadījuma skaitļu (kas ir normal deviates, es, par laimi, nezinu :))

Un te ir komentāri pie šī garadarba :DDD

The most amazing book I have ever come across, January 16, 2005
Reviewer: Jamie R. Wilson (Knoxville, TN USA) - See all my reviews
A truly amazing genre-breaking work of art unlike any that has ever been or ever will. I was captivated from the moment I opened the cover until the extremely suspenseful moment I turned the last page. With that said, I was a little disappointed that 71602 was knocked off by 92937 just as the plot was unfolding, but the arrival of 96240 really got my blood pumping and I just couldn't put the book down from that moment on.

I am so glad that is offering the "Search Inside This Book" option for this book so that it can be enjoyed by countless other avid readers who otherwise may not have come across it. I wait, impatiently, for the audio CD version of this fine book.

Sloppy., July 27, 2005
Reviewer: B. MCGROARTY (United States) - See all my reviews
The book is a promising reference concept, but the execution is somewhat sloppy. Whatever algorithm they used was not fully tested. The bulk of each page seems random enough. However at the lower left and lower right of alternate pages, the number is found to increment directly.

You've Seen the Movie - Now Buy the Book!, October 16, 2006
Reviewer: James Skrydlak "mostlymozart" (Mountain View, CA) - See all my reviews
As stunning as Alan Alda's and Barbra Streisand's performances were, the movie really doesn't do justice to the depth of the randomness and deviation displayed by the original work. The book, moreover, includes the complete, unexpurgated numbers for the theme song - not the bowdlerized version sung by Ms. Streisand.

An incredible bargain!, October 16, 2006
Reviewer: Alan (Atlanta) - See all my reviews
This book contains the winning numbers for the next Fantasy Five! For only $20.40!

Wont someone think of the children?, October 16, 2006
Reviewer: M. Fischer (Fort Collins, CO USA) - See all my reviews
I cannot believe that a good company like Amazon would promote such an item! This is going to end up on Bill O'Reilly one day. Seriously, promoting "Deviants" as "normal" just encourages our children to rebel against the authority of their parents and that of our lord and savior. Deviants are abnormal, and we should send all 100,000 of the deviants to church camp and get their souls clean.

I'm ashamed to be an American today.

Sure it's random, but ..., October 16, 2006
Reviewer: D. R. Pitzer "semi-normal deviate" (Denham Springs, LA USA) - See all my reviews
Shouldn't this book be on the list of things banned for export from the US? We can't have our random digits, and especially our treasured 100,000 normal deviates, being used by countries unfriendly to the US!

By the way, I wonder if these normal deviates have all registered with their local or state law enforcement agencies? I guess that Rand doesn't care about really twisted deviates, just the normal ones. Obviously, they don't spend much time on MySpace.

James Baird: I would also like to point out that there are serious issues with grammar and punctuation in this book.
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