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[May. 19th, 2011|08:51 am]
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Online marketing explained with reference to cows

Social marketing
You have a cow.
You show some friends a clip of a man being hit in the crotch.
They tell their friends who pay money to come and look at your cow.

Social media
You have a cow.
You tell your friends.
People start listening to what you have to say.

Affiliate marketing
Your neighbor has a cow.
You show a film clip of a man being hit in the crotch.
You charge people to go see your neighbor's cow.

You have a cow.
You put it on the side of the road.
People stop to look at it.

You have a cow.
You put it in the middle of the road, stopping traffic.
A few morons buy some viagra from you, making the initiative profitable.

You have a cow.
You put up a road sign with "Cow" in the title.
Passers by stop to look at your cow; you charge them for parking and sell them lemonade.

You have a cow.
You write a novel about it.
A pig farmer copies your novel, paraphrases and publishes it as his own.

You and your neighbor each have a cow.
You both put signs up to advertise your cows.
You pay someone to move your sign directly in front of the neighbor's in the middle of the night.

You have a cow.
People pay you to paint their logos onto your cow.
Your cow looks like a billboard.

ROI (Return On Investment)
You have a cow.
You pay $50 to dye it pink.
People flock to buy tickets to see your cow; you earn $1000.

You have a cow.
You refurbish the barn.
More people pay to look at the cow.

You have a cow.
No one cares.

If you still don't understand online marketing... Don't have a cow, man.

Avots, via tulkojums krieviski :))
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