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[Oct. 4th, 2010|08:54 am]
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No @5tevenw twiterī:

I find it helps to organise chores into categories: Things I won't do now; Things I won't do later; and, Things I'll never do.

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

Chuck Norris does not use spell check. His spelling checks itself.

Sex on television can't hurt you, unless you fall off.

Everytime I hear the dirty word "excercise", I wash my mouth with chocolate.

There are three stages to sex in a person's life: Tri Weekly, Try Weekly, and Try Weakly.

My mate has been paying a psychiatrist £90 an hour every week for two-and-a-half years. He must be crazy!

I can't undo my mistakes. All I can do is make more mistakes and hope the original one gets diluted
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