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[Sep. 1st, 2006|08:56 pm]
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The Top Slogans for Impotence Sufferers Anonymous

- Join Today -- It's Not Hard
- It's Fallen and We Can't Get It Up
- No Runs, No Hits, No Eros
- Relax -- No Hard Feelings Here
- If Getting It Up Is Getting You Down
- We Stand Up -- For Our Rights!
- Like You Have Something BETTER to Do Tonight, Limpdick?
- Wastin' Away Again In Wheresmyweinerville
- Come Hang With the Guys
- Because It's Hard When It's Not Hard
- I Came, I Saw, I Conquered (Well, 2 Out of 3 Ain't Bad)
- Over 19 Million Unserviced
- Raising Our Spirits -- Together!
- Squeezably soft!
- This Has Never Happened to Any of Us Before. Honest.
- We're Not Going to Stand for This!
- When Being Horny Isn't Enough
- Why Should Only Handshakes Be Limp?
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