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[Links:| Divi_G Puksts ]

May. 21st, 2010|10:14 pm

After accidentally bringing the wrong tool, I thought the mohel would never get that poor kid circumcised, but he finally managed to pull it off.

Taking nothing away from memorials honoring the Fallen, but I'd like to know if there are ever analogous ceremonies for the Can't Get Up?

The Top Signs Facebook Is Violating Your Privacy

- Your doctor hasn't called you back yet but you were just automatically joined to the Melanoma Support Group.
- Your new profile photo is a picture of you, as seen through high-powered binoculars two miles away.
- "Charlie Sheen and 270,000 others like the way you look in the shower."
- Your profile information includes both pre- and post-witness relocation addresses.
- Your status updates keep getting rejected on the grounds that that's not really what you're doing at that moment.

The Top Haikus About Summer

Warm rush of romance
Passionate summer lover!
Then get VD test

Golden days of sun
Depressingly are only
Mondays through Fridays

Summer! Time to head
to the topless beach. Too bad
it's all just dudes.

The groin is furry
Bikini waxing torment
Screams heard from afar

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