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[Jul. 20th, 2006|06:15 pm]
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The Top Things Uttered by Yoda While Making Love

- "Ahhh! Yoda's little friend seek you!"

- "Excuse me while I put a shield on my saber, Sweetheart."

- "Now you know why they put one of me in every Happy Meal, do you."

- "Cuddling, afterplay -- a Jedi craves not these things."

- "Down here, I am. Find a ladder, must I!"

- "Early must I rise. Leave now must you!"

- "Happens to every guy sometimes this does."

- "When 900 years old you get, Viagra you need too, hmmmmm?"

- "Who's your Jedi master? WHO'S your Jedi Master?"

- "Ow, ow, OW! On my ear you are!"


As the F-14 screamed through the desert air, the pilot eyed the rising launcher ramps and wondered yet again if the missile sites were a genuine threat or merely happy to see him.
(Mike Cunningham)

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