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User: [info]juriic
Name: Juriic
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viz - 26. Jūnijs 2019
Hi John!
Hope you are well!
There have been a few developments on my side as I am slowly but surely running out of money. It seems that as far as business goes, my skills are much more viable in providing gamified solutions to whomever it might be interesting; this includes consulting about the relevant technologies and possibilities; keywords being games, VR, interactivity. There are many solutions already out there and there seems to be large market for it - businesses who want to create interactive experiences to deliver some information, be it advertisement or education or whatever.
However, my own gamified BCI application solution is by no means halted. BCI just seems very underestimated and largely not understood. I feel like the larger players that are now in the market and selling their product (Like Muse, neurable, NeuroSky etc. are actually misrepresenting the technology and people who don`t understand it and come into contact with it are left with a very weak and gimmicky impression.
On another front: I *might* have an opportunity to go to China to work as a lead game programmer and build a studio from ground-up. It would be an invaluable experience for me with which I could then go and build anything anywhere. The infrastructure there is on a completely different level. Where I am now is literally a quiet tiny hamlet in comparison, which comes with its share of small-mindedness which I feel has worn me down through the last year which I spent trying to fit into the start-up scene. Europe in general seems way too conservative, bureaucratic and fragmented to actually get something done. Throughout the year I have met literally two people who have had substantial intent and truthful demeanor. It has been way too much bullshit. If this opportunity does come through, I will take it. However, I will in my own time keep developing my project anyway when I`m there and who knows. Perhaps China will provide the path that I am looking to create.
Hope we can talk soon.
Warmth. Juris.
arvien vairāk es lietās saskatu tajās ielikto nodomu.
Skotijā bija tā, ka visi parki bija sterili un blakus esošais meža rezervāts, it kā dabas liegums, bet izbraukāts krustu šķērsu rūtiņrakstā un izķemmēts tā ka visur redz starp kokiem cauri un tāds kā tukšums jutās pa tais visās starpās. koki bija, bet meža vairs ne. daba jau it kā; ogas var aiziet salasīt. zaķi un stirnas bez maz vai pagalmā un delfīni pie mājas upē. sajūtās arī daudz svaiga gaisa, bet tomēr tajā mežā spoguļojās kaut kas fundamentāls. kaut kas ko cilvēki ir aizmirsuši, bet ir jau viss ok, jo aizmirsuši. Pašā Anglijā tik daudz plastmasas ēku ar plastmasas logiem, kuri neveras vaļā un plastmasas cilvēkiem. vistraumatiskākās bija ēkas, kur ja tu pat varētu atvērt logu, tas kas aiz loga ir bezizejas slēgta telpa ar tīklu uz jumta.
ļoti gribētos lietu.