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User: [info]juriic
Name: Juriic
Page Summary
viz - 16. Septembris 2018
Es tāds pa nakti sēžu gultā un dzirdu kkur no augšas skaņu, it kā, glāze nokristu.
Es esmu otrajā stāvā. Mājai ir divi stāvi. Mājā neviens cits nedzīvo.
Filters and Reflections
[W]e reject the popular presumption
that all modes of human information
processing are completely executed
within the physiological brain, and
that all experiential sensations are epiphenomena
of the biophysical and
biochemical states thereof. Rather,
we . . . regard the brain as a neurologically
localized utility that serves a
much more extended “mind,” or
“psyche,” or “consciousness” that far
transcends the brain in its capacity,
range, endurance, and subtlety of operation,
and that is far more sophisticated
than a mere antenna for information
acquisition or a silo for its storage. In
fact, we... contend that it [extended
mind, psyche, consciousness] is the ultimate
organizing principle of the universe,
creating reality through its ongoing
dialogue with the unstructured
potentiality of the Source. In short, we
subscribe to the assertion of [astrophysicist]
Arthur Eddington nearly a
century ago: “Not once in the dim past,
but continuously, by conscious mind
is the miracle of the Creation
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