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User: [info]juriic
Name: Juriic
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viz - 25. Jūlijs 2015
ir atcerēties pēkšņi sajūtu par kaut kā darīšanu, ko tu zini, ka esi tikai sapņojis, un ka tāda darbība neeksistē un ir pilnīgs nonsenss.

Gars - : weird

I will tell you something and I need you to tell me if it makes sense.
I stood as a mountain, breathing, eyes closed and felt the breath change and become deeper and I felt how I could breathe differently, as if through an infinite chasm within me.
I bowed down and reached for the earth and felt it surge up through my legs.
I stood up and breathed and felt no pain in my right side of the brain.
Then I opened my eyes and for a moment I felt taller than my room, almost as if floating.
The next moment I suddenly felt fear and as I breathed out and saw something, the usual pain in my right side of the brain returned and the next moment it was all just regular.