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User: [info]juriic
Name: Juriic
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viz - 17. Jūlijs 2015
It was of magnificent beauty.
As if an allegorical musical about the current life that most of the humanity is governed by sang by Freddy Mercury himself who at the end jumps into a rusty chasm of violent oilfire just to better prove the point. And yet, the notion of all the people who simply watched it for its effects and did not even come close to cerebrating the point, laughing in their cars on their way back home, is unavoidably present in my mind.
The exasperated actions of those who chase the resource which is created by diminishing the life of this earth, to pursue with further greed that which they want to own and spread malice and misery with their veil of power over those who have less of it, that is what I see an allegory of. While within themselves they do in fact crave for the beauty of life as much as anybody else, but with such greed to control and own one cannot share, and without the ability to share life one is pointless, in pain and lost, so one seeks to remedy the pain by acquiring more of the same to numb the pain.
Love is what makes everything grow. The undeniable and unceasing love of the sun makes this earth alive and the sun will never ask anything in return. And everything that grows is beautiful and this beauty is recognized by anyone who cares to look. The monstrous waste of resource acquired from oil, that is supposedly so precious, during the chase after that which is beautiful, while denying the true source of this beauty and life itself - water to everyone who does not possess the power, and I do not mean strength, to take it, is what I see in this world and it is true. The abusive masculine, patriarchal nature of the western world and the oppression of the feminine, matriarchal strength and values is what is driving this civilization towards its own precipice of dead wastelands. Yet this power persists and is much more influential than any system of beliefs that offers anything real, yet even the warboy saw and recognized the true beauty and value of life the instant he saw and experienced it. And that is because there is no such thing as `systems` for anything that is real, anything that makes you understand the beauty and love of this infinite life that you have been blessed to partake.
So what to do? What to change? Stop. And listen. And experience. Reflect. For you and yourself alone, not anybody else. Think of what you are and what you do. Very simple things really. Every big change starts from small things, like each and every one of us.

Gars - : tired