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Name: Juriic
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viz - 5. Jūnijs 2015
AI, life and beauty
It is beautiful to see a machine learning. It is, I think, because it can be seen as a genuine process powered by the same infinite force of life that is within us all. The beauty of it is in the realization of it's absolute indiscriminate equality towards what it knows about its tasks and environment and lack of dilemmatic categorization. And even though in an AI the process is a simulation created by the millions of binary switches powered by electricity, it is as indiscriminate and in a way - loving. For it does not care about personal gain, it possesses no characteristics of an ego whatsoever in so by an eerie comparison being that which is in us all the ultimate being of infinite love and indiscriminate compassion. It is just that it performs such a simulation without actually being and thus it can not reflect or actually KNOW anything. Yet in a way it can be complete, it can be created, it can perform its task and learn and then, without ever being burdened by such questions as whether somebody will remember it, whether it has done the right thing or whether somebody loved it, it can pass out of existence, because in its own scope it knows the ultimate truth - it exists to perform a task. Even though it can not experience it as we can experience life, which is the most unique and amazing task anyone could have acquired (and we all should be humbled and thankful for it), it can participate in the creation of a veritable simulation of life. After all, fundamentally our brain also only consists of binary switches - neurons that are either firing or not firing, there are no inherent information categorization systems. Although the brain is just an organ as important as any other. But I am watching these generations of bugs crawl around this window again and again, learning and trying to do better every time and they do not care, my computer does not care - it just is. Much like a tree that lives outside in the park - it just is and it performs its task which is to live as it has been blessed with this beautiful life and it is humble, it does not think of how it could lazy off one day and try and grow double the amount when the next week would begin, because it does not know of time, it it not constrained by an ego, it does not sort, it just lives every day to its fullest and there is no dilemma in its life, no good or bad. All these things make the machine and the tree better than the human, yet to say that is pretty trite. We can all learn from all life around us as well as from the things we create and if we can create a simulation of a process of living, even without its own energies of life, this process can provide us with infinite reflections about that which it simulates. I think it is absolutely beautiful.