putni galvā
putni galvā

putni galvā - 7. Novembris 2009
7. Novembris 2009
- Potage Parmentier
- 7.11.09 17:58
- Vakar noskatījos filmu, Julie & Julia, šodien sameklēju blogu un uzvārīju Potage Parmentier. Vāra šitā: "Slice some leeks, rinse them real good to get rid of the dirt. Throw these two ingredients in a pot with some water, along with some salt. (Julia says 1 tablespoon for 2 quarts of water , three cups leeks, three cups potatoes. Inveterate salt fiend that I am, I was shocked to find this to be too much. If you try it for yourself, rein in.) Simmer this for 45 minutes or so, then either "mash the vegetables in the soup with a fork" or pass them through a food mill."
Pieliek mazliet salda krējuma uzbirdina pāris pētersīļus un ēd nost. Man garšo, Agijs un Zosta kungs smādē.
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0 rakstair doma
- 7.11.09 22:25
- I can relate to it, kind of.
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