Jūnijs 2., 2005

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00:16 - mirkļa uzplaiksnījums. kuš.
My girl, my girl, don't lie to me,
Tell me where did you sleep last night?

In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun dont ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through

(10 teica | man šķiet, ir tā...)


[User Picture]
Date:2. Jūnijs 2005 - 00:17
wiii, mana jauniiba. . . .
[User Picture]
Date:2. Jūnijs 2005 - 00:22
tev jau nav šobrīd nekā priekš manis?

p.s. cikos tu brauc uz darbu? nenormāli vajadzētu ar tevi šo to sarunāt
[User Picture]
Date:2. Jūnijs 2005 - 00:23
ui...šitā dziesma
Date:2. Jūnijs 2005 - 00:27
[User Picture]
Date:2. Jūnijs 2005 - 01:02
mja, tieši nesen uznāca šīs blices atkalklausīšanās periods.
Date:2. Jūnijs 2005 - 01:08

In fact, the song was a folk song, usually known as "In the Pines," which
dates back at least to the 1870's. Its appearance in the repertory of a
Seattle grunge singer is only the latest chapter in its complex history. (An
album of Nirvana's MTV concert, "Unplugged in New York," was recently
released on the DGC label.) Those who have recorded the song include the folk
legends Leadbelly, Joan Baez and Pete Seeger, the country pioneers Bill
Monroe and Chet Atkins, the rockers Sir Douglas Quintet and Duane Eddy, the
pop vocalist Connie Francis and the jazz saxophonist Clifford Jordan.

[User Picture]
Date:2. Jūnijs 2005 - 01:14
es visu laiku biju domājis, ka tas ir no "Meat puppets" repertuāra, he, re kas tikai nenoskaidrojas.
Date:2. Jūnijs 2005 - 11:59
Man arī.
Turklāt nesen īpašumā ieguvu J.M "spoken moments" - normāli jumtu brucina
[User Picture]
Date:2. Jūnijs 2005 - 01:07
Uhh...tā toč ir pagātne...bet skaisti...:)
[User Picture]
Date:2. Jūnijs 2005 - 01:08
brings back memories...
honeybee - mirkļa uzplaiksnījums. kuš.

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