Septembris 18., 2021
 | 16:04 Kā pieņemt komplimentus while being socially awkward, īsais kurss
Kompliments: - Tu izskaties starojoša (prātā: "Jāāā, nu, tas, ka es smaidu un izskatos priecīga, nenozīmē, ka es nebūtu ded insaid, to mēs pēc pusstundas vienatnē tikai varam noteikt, bet nu bļe es tak nevaru uz ielas stūra skrienošam cilvēkam to visu izstāstīt") Skaļi: - Jā, es vienmēr tā izskatos!
 | 17:27 Kathleen Fraser
The Baker's Daughter
Personal things is all I care about, she said. He wouldn't be personal. That's why I changed hearts. Parts of me ache. But when OUR legs touch I know what WE have in common. We loving two. And pancakes, the joy they bring, is what I wanted to tell most. We made a crack in the wall to whisper through. That's personal. Or the dream, his skin full of blood. You've been crying, I said. I gave him sympathy because I wanted sympathy from him. I thought I was good. But I was lonesome. I woke up full of lonesome. I wanted to be personal. So I lit the oven. She said.
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