13:55 What do you wish people knew about having bipolar disorder?
I wish people knew that the same thing that makes me an exciting and passionate person is the same thing that makes me angry or depressed. If my lunacy is a moon, the shining crescent is the part that people love to see—but the dark side is still there. Not to say that that side is beautiful—it is not, it is pitted and desolate and bleak. But it is a part of me and I suppose I wish it were more forgivable.
17:32 Starp visu, kas var mani pārbiedēt līdz aukstām kājām: laipnība (es nezinu, kāds ir pareizais lv vārds tai īpašajai iecietības un nogaidošā sirsnīguma formai, tāpēc lai būtu laipnība) attiecības vispār un commitment jo īpaši