Maijs 10., 2005
 | 01:42 un vēl es neuzticos hroniskiem optimistiem. man allaž liekas, ka sauklis always look at the bright side of life nozīmē, ka on the dark side ir kaut kas tāds, uz ko pat skatīties bail.
 | 04:24 - nevienam nav labi četros no rīta jebkura frāze ir patiesa tikai tik ilgi, kamēr tā nav sacietējusi. kamēr uz domu, uz vēstuli, uz vārdiem atbild, tikmēr tie ir īsti. ar dažām minūtēm klusuma pietiek, lai padarītu jebko ja ne melīgu, tad vismaz neadekvātu. tāpēc mēs neciešam klusētājus. tāpēc klusēšana biedē.
lai arī es ticu, ka ir kaut kas tāds, kas paliek patiess arī tad, ja uz to neatbild. klusēšana varbūt.
( četros no rīta )
 | 16:37 hb: nu bet kā normāls psihologs... lords: kas ir "normāls psihologs"? hb: oksimorons.
 | 23:08 - Stanley Donwood
and after all the parties and the reunions and those funerals and everything, i remembered that we had buried a time capsule. perhaps we were already old friends when we had the plan; fill a sealed box with our secrets and bury it. i think the idea was to dig it up when all our secrets had become aged and meaningless and didnt hurt and couldnt break anything. i'm here now typing on my computer. same old, same old. my language isn't necessary at all. everything has to go out. i feel like a dunce. i've landed on an alien world. life is a seedy, dirty, nasty thing, but it has to be covered. my life is pretty much covered with accidents, disasters, mistakes; all small, all inconsequential. nothing I've done would interest you. i buried my secrets. my life was, you know, great and interesting and everything. and awful and unbelievable and terrible. and exciting. and boring. over. Vairāk tekstu & vēl visādu nieku - Par linku paldies Tomam Treibergam.
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