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mīlas lirikas kopa 7dienas rītam Jul. 18th, 2015|11:13 am

The bride of DJ Spinoza:

Who's that that stalks by the zoccolo
Цокая вокруг да около
Studying me through the ocular
What an invasive f*** you are

DJ Spinoza:

it's me that stalks by the zoccolo
Цокая вокруг да около
Come down softly and open your door
cause I got more rhymes than Joseph Brodsky
I got more rhymes than Leon Trotsky

She comes down and drop-kicks him in the head

* * *

The woodchuck and the woodpecker
met each other in the wood
The woodchuck and the woodpecker
could not make themselves understood.

The woodchuck and the woodpecker
walked away really bumming.
Alas! No two species of animals
have a language in common.

* * *

Is beauty indication of truth?
Says DJ Spinoza.

Examples are not proofs,
says DJ Spinoza.

What kind of proof do you want then?
Says god.

A convincing one,
says DJ Spinoza

Isn't the beautiful convincing? Says God.
When we love we aren't convinced that we love?

Says Dj Spinoza.

Says God (in amazement).

We can love without knowing we love, says Dj Spinoza.
Sometimes we know afterwards. Sometimes we never know at all.

What are you - French?
How would you know you loved when you don't know you loved?

I don't know,
says Dj Spinoza.

Let's return to "Sometimes we know afterwards," says God.
Still, we know.

But do we know that it's true that we know?
says Dj Spinoza.

Well, I know, says God,
I am God.

Look at you, says Dj Spinoza. You're a singularity!
I'm not talking about singularities, I'm talking about us.

But I am among the us, says God.
Excuse me, here I was, thinking I was among the us!

Are you being difficult? says Dj Spinoza.
because if you are being difficult, we can stop right here and now.

I am being difficult? says God.
I have right to my own identity!

Okay, okay,
says Dj Spinoza.

Ok then,
says God.

Where were we?
Says Dj Spinoza.

Is conviction an indication of truth?
says God.

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