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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp3kTS6gcLU Dec. 23rd, 2014|04:21 pm

Kaut kādu brīsniņu atpakaļ rakstīju, ka, ja man vajadzētu - tā kā normāliem akad.pētniekiem - interesēties par eksotiskiem reģioniem, tad mana izvēle varētu būt Kuba. Pēdējo notikumu gaismā tagad vismaz būtu reāla iespēja par to padomāt, nevis paiztēloties, no otras puses - nekas vairs reāli nespīd, jo diezgan droši, ka visas jeilas un prinstonas izsūtīs savu pētnieku kordonus un varbūt vēl kāda eiropas universitāte sagādās iespēju kādam savam postdokam apostīt karstos pīrādziņus, bet visi pārējie varēs skatīties uz karameļkrāsas dibenu fočenēm un krāt naudu atvaļinājumam.

no saistītām lietām: kā apgūt notiekošo akadēmiski un ātri: Call for Papers: A special issue of Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, dedicated to: Mat, Slander, Blasphemy, Propaganda, and Extremism: The Culture and Politics of Verbal Prohibition in Putin’s Russia

Guest Editors:
Prof. Michael S. Gorham (U. of Florida)
Prof. Daniel Weiss (U. of Zürich)

Since the beginning of Vladimir Putin’s third presidential term, Russian society has been on the receiving end of a flood of legislative initiatives that in some manner attempt to regulate language and speech in the public sphere. Among them, a May 2012 law re-criminalizing slander, the August 2012 law “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development,” the July 2013 “Law on Punishment for the Defamation of Religious Feelings” (otherwise known as the “anti-blasphemy law”), a series of laws penalizing vaguely defined notions of “extremism,” and, most recently, the April 2014 law regulating the use of obscenity in the mass media, theater, literature, and film. How do we best understand this trend? How does it reflect broader attitudes toward language, speech, public morals, and relationships between the individual and society? Does it reflect a new moral conservatism and if so, to what extent does it enjoy popular support, or have roots in more time-honored traditions? What are the intended and unintended consequences of such legislative prohibitions? To what extent are they feasible from a jurisprudential perspective? How, if at all, does it impact the language culture of Russian society and subgroups therein? Are there ways in which such attempts at verbal regulation may serve as a positive, civilizing force? To what extent, and in what ways, do the debates over public language reflect broader concerns about, or visions of, Russian national identity?

To provide fresh, interdisciplinary perspective on these questions, Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie invites manuscript submissions for a special issue devoted to the culture and politics of verbal prohibition in Putin’s Russia. Submissions may focus on a broad range of interrelated topics, which may include (but need not be limited to):
• Cultural, linguistic, legal, and/or conceptual histories of the targeted areas of language prohibition;
• Analyses of court cases and juridical proceedings involving the application of the laws in question;
• Studies of the literary, historical, and/or political contexts, precedents, or manifestations of language monitoring and control;
• Critical discourse analyses of keywords, media, or genres as they relate to various forms of verbal prohibition;
• Profiles of individuals, laws, events, or media central to the current trend of verbal prohibition;
• Studies investigating the impact of verbal prohibition in Russia either historically or in the contemporary context.

• December 15, 2014: 250-word abstract proposal
• March 15, 2015: completed draft of article (max. 9000 words)

Papers may be submitted in English, Russian, or German, and will go through double-blind peer review. Those accepted for publication will likely appear in the second 2015 issue of the journal.

Please send abstracts and draft submissions to: to Prof. Tilman Berger (tberger@uni-tuebingen.de).
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