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Jul. 13th, 2011|03:56 pm

have you ever squatted in the heart of the beast?

protams, tādi kreiso organizāciju teksti kā "Vienna plays a key role in the neo-colonisation of Central and Eastern Europe. While Austria serves as a junior partner and helps to conceal the role of Germany's planned domination of Eastern and Southeastern Europe by finally achieving the Nazi objective of Lebensraum" vai "Vienna is also caught in the web of totalitarian capitalism under the Neo-Feudal Corporate Fascist State. The financial aristocracy (oligarchy) is the same everywhere. Every country and every city in Europe is under occupation by Finance Capital" neraisa baigo uzticību, bet visādi citādi Austrija un Šveice ir tāda Eiropas Mordora un nedaudz iespiest tās asti bluķī varētu būt interesanti.
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